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Agroptimizer is a cloud based application that can evaluate the effect of thousands of complex management interactions on corn and soybean yield at the field level and identify the best cropping systems for maximum profit.
Agroptimizer is the only machine learning-based user-friendly DST that accounts for multiple soil, weather and management parameters at the field level to help US corn and soybean farmers increase yield and profit by optimizing single management practices and cropping systems. You can see how it works here
Evaluation of Agroptimizer in field conditions, which involve unexpected and unmanageable yield adversities, is important.
In recent field trials, the Agroptimizer recommended management practices were compared against cropping systems that were generated by University of Wisconsin researchers (called typical) across Wisconsin between 2021 and 2023. Agroptimizer recommendations for corn resulted in similar yield and profit compared to typical. For soybean, Agroptimizer recommendations resulted in increased yield and similar profit compared to typical.
Overall results showed that Agroptimizer successfully identified cropping systems that resulted in high yield and profit for both crops suggesting that in the absence of available expert recommendation, it can provide management practices with high yield and profit potential.
See more information here.
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